Friday, January 30, 2009

terrible horrible no good very bad day.

So I find out this morning that Margie died yesterday. I find out later this morning that Josh's grandpa died today.... 10:15.

Today sucks.

It sucks being in AZ and not being able to do ANYTHING! we can't be with family, *ARGH*

I don't know whether to be sad or pissed.

I wish I could say there was a silver lining.

Today sucks. 

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

oh man

so much has happened between my last post and now, but i really just need to get some feelings out. 

For some reason today I have been feeling like a failure. Like I am no good at my job, like I am lazy. I don't really know why all of this is happening. I feel like I am not a good therapist. I feel like I am letting my kiddos down. I don't even know how to really express this all. It is a very weird feeling, and I don't like it. Maybe I am just in need of an overhaul. Maybe I need to plan some extravagant therapy sessions for something different. I just don't know what my deal is, and it is making me very sad.
